Help us put the best minds to work on the problems that matter

We want to continue to expand our program, enhance our training, and tell as many stories about the importance of social impact careers as we can. We can’t do that without your support, so we hope you’ll consider donating. Every dollar makes a big difference to our cause!

Our 2022 990 can be found here.

Second Day is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.

If you have any questions or would like to donate via DAF, please reach out to

If you would like to mail a check, please send it to:

500 E. St. John Avenue Suite 2.620
Austin, Texas 78752

Did you know you can donate stock?

Second Day partners with DonateStock to offer our supporters another way to donate to Second Day. They help nonprofits access new funding by enabling everyday investors to donate stock in minutes. While donors save big on taxes, nonprofits benefit from larger pre-tax donations. Everyone wins!

How does this work as a donor? Learn more here.

Why donate to Second Day?

There are a lot of deserving causes that need your support, especially right now. Here’s why our approach is going to drive long-lasting change for our country.

We provide capacity to orgs that need it.

Many organizations don’t have the time, energy or funds to bring on other entry-level staff, so the Second Day Impact Fellowship provides the capacity support of entry-level talent at a fraction of the cost ($10K vs $50K).

We invest in diverse talent pipelines.

While as many as 60% of college seniors are interested in entering social impact careers, less than 10% ultimately do so. Not only are we providing visibility and access to this industry, but we focus on supporting first-generation college students, people of color, and other students with lived experience that are best positioned to understand the challenges we need to face.

Our approach works.

Our inaugural Impact Fellowship cohort represents the bright potential of future changemakers, and they are going on to do everything from advocacy to nonprofit strategy to social entrepreneurship. They are prepared to take on the unique challenges and opportunities of fighting for social change. Check out our latest impact report here.